The Project

The ENTROPY project focuses on new mobility patterns and digitalization, with the aim of
fostering a city of proximity, sustainability, and liveability, in polycentric conurbations.

As such, ENTROPY falls under thematic priority 5: “Climate, Energy, and Mobility” and its four strategic lines. ENTROPY is therefore aligned with the characteristics and purpose of the Call in the modality of research-oriented projects. These projects are linked to the thematic priorities associated with major societal challenges and propose to solve specific problems.

ENTROPY corresponds to the sub-thematic area of “Transport” within the thematic area of
“Energy and Transport”. It is also embedded in the thematic priority 5: “Climate, Energy
and Mobility”
, laid out in the National Plan for Scientific Research, Technology, and
Innovation 2021-2023. This thematic priority includes four strategic lines: climate change and decarbonization, sustainable mobility, cities and sustainable ecosystems, and energy
transition. ENTROPY is related to all of them, but more specifically to the first three.

In the context of ongoing urbanization processes around the globe and cities’ expansion, the issues of accessibility and sustainable mobility in urban settlements are highly relevant, as larger cities imply more travellers and greater travel distances. Policy concepts like 15-minute city (15mCity) and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) intend to address both issues from an urban planning perspective, promoting conurbations in which the private car could be effectively substituted by soft modes for shorter trips (15mCity) or by transit for longer trips (TOD). As such, the two concepts complement each other. However, to the best of our knowledge, this complementarity has never been properly studied and assessed,
especially in the peripheral areas
characterised by low-density settlements.